What is TheMinimalCoder?

First of all, this page was created with the aim of addressing the problem of internet “bloat”. If you are a regular internet user, you have probably noticed that many websites promise to provide certain information or services but end up being cluttered with links and ads.

This can be frustrating, which is why I decided to do my part and create a website that provides a clutter-free experience.

On this website, I will write articles not only about technical low-level content, but also about random topics that are related to the message I want to convey to the world. If this website gains a large following, I may consider moving it to a separate domain. However, for the time being, we are sticking with what we have.

If you want to know more about me, click here.

Is this project going to be open source?

If you really want to write you own article, or maybe even improve something about the code, you can indeed make a push request and would be a pleasure to have contributors to the website.

At first glance i’m probably gonna be doing it like a private project, because i thinks it’s needed to first find the website “identity” as i would say.

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not available.
